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48 Hours In Paris


A few months ago I held a competition on Instagram and the prize was to win a photoshoot in Paris.

I’d been a few times, but never with a camera or with the sole purpose of capturing aesthetically pleasing images.

The competition did well, if I am honest I was expecting it to do a little better than it did. Don’t get me wrong the 160 tags it received was still a win.

Why Paris? simply put it’s a beautiful city and very easy to capture.

Andrena was the winner and after having her in front of the camera a few times I was very glad she was. A natural, easy to photograph and takes direction very easily along with having her own very glamorous ideas.

All in all I spent approx 4 hours in front of the camera over the course of 48 hours. 17,000 steps each day and thank god the weather was on our side!

A beautiful subject. A beautiful backdrop. A beautiful time.

I now offer this as a package, do I think anyone will book it? Probably not but wouldn’t it be wonderful!


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